Today - July 7, 2005
I am up too late again, unable to sleep. I have got to teach myself how to power sleep, and then be an insomniac the rest of the night. I could really get more done and perhaps feel more rested? Probably just dreaming.
I have so many stinkin ideas that I can't figure out how to manage them. I need one of those cauldrons like Dumbledore had at Hogwarts to keep his memories and thoughts in. I'm on overload with information I tell you. I'm afraid I will let something slip away, and in the meantime make really ridiculous mistakes over simple things.
I'm not sure which stresses me out more:
1) Trying to keep all the ideas in my head, and worrying about forgetting something that seems important at the moment.
2) Recording all my ideas and becoming overwhelmed by the sheer visual magnitude of the lists that I generate.
For Heaven's Sake!
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